Journeys into Open Science
Openscapes is an open source approach and movement, and Openscapes is also an organization that facilitates adopting an open science way of working. We have identified a number of common projects that can serve as Openscapes Journeys.
Below we identify Journeys in Openscapes that were developed for our NMFS PAM teams during the NMFS Openscapes Champions Program. These journeys are outlined in subsequent sections on this website.
Lab Manual - The first NMFS Openscapes PAM Team developed lab manuals that would feed into the National PAM Lab Manual. In Progress
Team Organization - As part of the IRA funded PAM-Strategic Initiative, we identified a series of national goals and created teams to advance projects to work towards these goals. This Journey outlines how to collaborate with teams on various projects. Stay Tuned!
Research Compendium - A research compendium is a comprehensive collection of all the digital components related to a research project, including data, code, and text (protocols, reports, metadata, etc). This journey serves as both a stand-alone and as a sub-component of the ‘Team Organization’ journey. Stay Tuned!