Google Cloud Archive and Analysis

All of this is temporary. End goal is to have all of this documented on the national PAM repo, and link to it here.

Link to SWFSC GCP Bucket

You can use the built in upload tool to upload small amounts of data directly to GCP

Bulk upload using gcloud CLI

  1. See this document for PAM GCP Technical System documentation and a link to the PAM buckets
  2. Follow steps 1-4 under the Configure gcloud section in this document to install Google Cloud SDK on your computer
  3. Open the command prompt and type “gsutil -m cp -r F:/* gs://swfsc-1/drifting_recorder/”, where “F:/*” is the directory with data to upload and “gs://swfsc-1/drifting_recorder/” is the cloud bucket and folder you want to upload data to
  4. Processing should start, wait for command prompt to update then refresh the SWFSC bucket website to see your uploaded data
If you are uploaded a large dataset, it is recommended to run this after normal work hours and on the weekends. See this document with more directions or contact Dan Woodrich (