Data Archive

Local Data Archive

All ADRIFT, PASCAL, and CCES data are locally stored on shared servers/drives.

All raw data and current analysis for ADRIFT, PASCAL, and CCES can be found on the DON


All archived projects and a copy of ADRIFT, PASCAL, and CCES SUD files can be found on the PAM Synology arrays (\\SWC-CMAP-N\pam, \\SWC-CMAP-N\pam2)

Public Repositories

SAEL Github Organization ( is for new and recent repositories.

Specific publicly accessible projects include: - Adrift in the California Current ([Github Repository[(] and website) - Beaked Whales from NOAA’s CCES 2018 Survey (Figshare)

NCEI Data Archive

All ADRIFT, CCES, and PASCAL raw data is publicly accessible through NCEI Passive Acoustics Data Archive. Sound level metrics can also be accessed from this archive.

All data were packaged using a combination of automated scripts and the NCEI Passive Packer tool. Several automation scripts were used to create Passive Packer ready databases from our deployment details metadata. Detailed methods can be found here.


All ADRIFT, CCES, and PASCAL marine mammal detection data are archived and available on the Passive Acoustic Cetacean Map. Archive methods can be found here.


All ADRIFT, PASCAL, and CCES deployment metadata and detection data are archived in our lab’s Tethys database. See Tethys SAEL GitHub repository and our detailed methods for more information.

OBIS Seamap

We are no longer storing marine mammal detection data in the OBIS database. OBIS specific processing scripts for beaked whales are available here.