Data Prep

Complete data entries

  • Check that all columns in the Deployment Details spreadsheet are completed
  • Reach out to deployment/retrieval team for additional deployment details if needed

SUD File Extraction

Extract SUD files using the Soundtrap Host Software

  • Open the Soundtrap Host Software and navigate to Tools > Set Default File Save Location
  • Browse to the folder where the SUD files are saved and select it
  • Navigate again to Tools > File Extraction
  • Click Select File, navigate to the SUD file folder, select all, and click open
  • SUD file extraction will begin, take note of the number of files and ensure this is equal to the number of extracted files once the process is completed

Generate Full Bandwidth LTSA

Using Triton on Matlab, generate a full bandwidth LTSA with the wav files from the SUD files previously extracted

  • Open Matlab and type Triton into the command window
  • Three Triton windows will open, using the Control window, navigate to Tools > Make LTSA from Directory of Files
  • Select File Type pop up will open, select 1 for wav files (enter 2 or 3 if working with other sound file type)
  • Using the file explorer pop up, navigate to folder where wav files are stored and click Select Folder
  • The Set Long-Term Spectrogram Parameters window will open, set the Time Average Length to 5 seconds and the Frequency Bin Size to 200 Hz, press enter
  • The Choose Channel to LTSA window will open, select 1 and press OK
  • The Save LTSA File window will open, navigate to desired folder, name the output file using this format: ADRIFT_###_5s_200Hz.ltsa, and press save
  • The LTSA will begin to process and will automatically open in the plot window once completed

Identify Recording Data Start and Data End

  • Using the LTSA, identify when the data starts in the recordings (usually determined by when there is no ship noise from the deployment present in LTSA)
  • Identify when the data ends in the LTSA (right before retrieval ship noise is present)
  • Truncate the data by deleting the recordings outside of that time range

Update deployment details 

  • Input Data Start and Data End times into the Deployment Details spreadsheet using the Data Start/End times determined above