
Shannon Rankin,

The Applied California Current Ecosystem Studies (ACCESS) surveys provide an opportunity to deploy drifting recorders to monitor the waters offshore San Francisco Bay. This report complements the final Adrift report with specific focus on the Adrift-ACCESS data collection efforts within these NOAA Sanctuaries.

A total of 17 drifting recorders were deployed during the upwelling and post-upwelling seasons.

Map of the Adrift San Francisco study area with plots of geoposition tracks of successful drifts during the upwelling season shown in green and the post-upwelling season shown in yellow. The shipping lanes are outlined in yellow. Latitude is on the x-axis, and Longitude is on the y-axis. Bathymetry is shown with light blue for the shelf and slope waters, and dark blue for deep ocean waters. A 100 m and 200 m isobath line are provided.

Figure 1: Plot of all successful drifts deployed during the Adrift-ACCESS survey. Drifts deployed during upwelling are green, and post-upwelling are yellow. Shipping lanes for entry to San Francisco Bay are outlined in yellow.

Specific objectives of the Adrift-ACCESS surveys include:

A summary table of Adrift-ACCESS deployments are shown below. Additional deployment details are provided in the Expanded Datasets for Adrift.

Deployment ID Status Deployment Latitude Deployment Longitude Deployment Date Recovery Date Data Quality
ADRIFT_002 Complete 37.38 −122.39 2021-06-09 18:38:00 2021-06-29 23:58:00 compromised
ADRIFT_003 Complete 37.97 −123.50 2021-07-25 18:33:00 2021-08-03 16:04:00 compromised
ADRIFT_005 Complete 37.64 −123.32 2021-06-10 18:30:00 2021-06-24 16:51:00 compromised
ADRIFT_006 Complete 38.13 −123.54 2021-07-25 19:11:00 2021-07-28 22:24:00 compromised
ADRIFT_007 Complete 37.84 −123.42 2021-06-10 16:49:00 2021-06-24 15:46:00 compromised
ADRIFT_008 Failed 37.14 −122.96 2021-06-09 unusable
ADRIFT_010 Failed 37.80 −123.39 2021-09-25 20:56:00 2021-10-14 unusable
ADRIFT_011 Failed 37.64 −123.13 2021-09-25 19:36:00 2021-10-15 unusable
ADRIFT_015 Complete 37.96 −123.50 2022-06-18 07:48:00 2022-06-21 06:39:00 compromised
ADRIFT_016 Unusable 37.80 −123.38 2022-06-16 22:37:00 2022-06-21 03:25:00 unusable
ADRIFT_027 Complete 37.90 −123.44 2022-07-26 18:27:00 2022-07-30 18:38:00 good
ADRIFT_028 Complete 37.89 −123.38 2022-07-26 17:05:00 2022-07-30 18:24:00 good
ADRIFT_034 Complete 38.05 −123.56 2022-09-27 17:43:00 2022-10-01 16:45:00 good
ADRIFT_035 Unusable 38.13 −123.53 2022-09-26 17:55:00 2022-10-01 18:00:00 unusable
ADRIFT_066 Unusable 37.72 −123.23 2023-05-08 03:08:00 2023-05-13 20:51:00 unusable
ADRIFT_067 Complete 37.80 −123.38 2023-05-08 04:18:00 2023-05-12 01:46:00 compromised
ADRIFT_092 Complete 37.72 −123.23 2023-09-17 17:42:00 2023-09-22 01:48:00 compromised